Jesus left a mark on this world that is undeniable, unforgettable, and unbelievable. In this sermon we here a true story of how God continually shows mercy. Listen as Ryan Kennedy, a Naval Officer and member of Oasis, shares a truly unique story of suffering, tragedy, grace, and mercy. What is tremendous in this testimony is how God can use the incredible life of the Kennedy's son, Brennan Kennedy, to show gospel goodness and mercy today. God continues to use Brennan's life to impact those that hear it. It is undeniable that it will leave its mark on you as well.
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Transformation: Fan to Follower
Everyone wants to be transformed! We all have that innate desire to be satisfied. That only occurs when we are fully surrendered to Christ and in right relationship with him. Listen as Austin Basel shares about what transformation should look like as we get out of the stands as fans and we get into the game to start following Jesus.
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Jesus never wasted a single moment when he walked this earth. Not even on the cross! Jesus mentions 7 powerful words from the cross the define and in turn, revolutionize the Christian faith. Join us on this sermon series as we look at the 7 saying of Jesus from the cross.
Read MoreVictory in Singleness
As followers of Christ, we have victory. We have a hope for the victory we will see in eternity, but there is also victory, for us in this life. In John 16, Jesus shares that we will have tribulation in this life but we can take heart! We can have courage! We can have victory because Jesus has overcome the world's system. We can have victory if we are willing to surrender and trust Jesus with his will for us.
Read MorereFOCUS Part 3: Prayer
It is time to reFOCUS! We have a choice on what we choose to focus on in this life. Jesus has to be at the center of where we are focusing. This is a time to pursue God and see a gospel change in our lives that only occurs because of Jesus' sacrifice for us on the cross. We can't simply live a half-hearted Christian life anymore, so it is certainly time to reFOCUS.
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