Jesus never wasted a single moment when he walked this earth. Not even on the cross! Jesus mentions 7 powerful words from the cross the define and in turn, revolutionize the Christian faith. Join us on this sermon series as we look at the 7 saying of Jesus from the cross.
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Jesus never wasted a single moment when he walked this earth. Not even on the cross! Jesus mentions 7 powerful words from the cross the define and in turn, revolutionize the Christian faith. Join us on this sermon series as we look at the 7 saying of Jesus from the cross.
Read MorePalm Sunday: The Triumphal Return
Though great was the response to his return, Jesus knew he was setting his face to the direction in where he would die. He knew what had to be done. The people, joyful, because Jesus had the power to forgive sins. The events ahead would not play out as they thought.
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The Passover Exodus
The Passover has far reaching effects. Even today we celebrate the Passover because of what it means for out life. With the blood of the lamb, death passed over sin in the old testament. It was only a foreshadowing of the things to come when he would provide a way of salvation when Jesus blood was shed for our sins and God passed them over once and for all.
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