The Oasis Journey.2 blog


As Worship continues, our vision is to help people grow in relationship with God and one another. We call this part of the journey, Connect. As Pastor Eric stated, 'We are called to be reconciled to God and one another.'

Jesus commanded us to “love the Lord thy God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.” So many of our people come from a place of broken relationships in church and or in family.

Galatians 6:2 says to: “Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

Connect begins the intentional discipleship process at Oasis for healing to begin.  Bible studies, Life Groups, Men’s and Women’s Ministry, 714 Youth,  and ministry to the poor, are just some of the ways that Oasis connects folks of all ages to God and to one another.

Teams and strategies are continually developing to ensure that everyone is connected to discipleship and ministry opportunities at Oasis.

Hebrews says: “to stir up one another to love and good works.”

This stirring happens in the Connect part of the Journey. Disciples become closer to God and to one another as they Connect.