It is easy to talk about the need for biblical community. It’s easy to read about it in scripture. It’s even easy to recognize that we need it. The difficulty comes with actually living it out! Life is messy and life with people is really messy. When we are willing to practically live out God’s word by “Living the Life” together God will shape us, encourage us, and grow us in ways that aren’t possible by our self. Join us in our series as we look at "Living The Life.”
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The Narrow Gate
Often, in the bible, we look for the application needed for our life. Rather, we are called to live in obedience. Walking through the narrow gate is a life of obedience. Though it is difficult at times, it is the only way that leads to life.
Read MoreServe: Expressing Our Faith By Love In Action
The freedom found int the gospel sets us on a course of Radical Purpose. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus says “to go into all the world and make disciples”. The Great commission is a command for the entire body of Christ. More specifically, Oasis is called to make disciples through our audacious acceptance (Welcome), through our passionate pursuit of God (Worship), by growing in relationship with God and one another (Connect), by discovering our gifts, talents, and purpose in Christ (Equip), and by expressing our faith in love and action (Serve).
Read MoreEquip: Discovering your Gifts, Talents and Identity in Jesus
The freedom found int the gospel sets us on a course of Radical Purpose. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus says “to go into all the world and make disciples”. The Great commission is a command for the entire body of Christ. More specifically, Oasis is called to make disciples through our audacious acceptance (Welcome), through our passionate pursuit of God (Worship), by growing in relationship with God and one another (Connect), by discovering our gifts, talents, and purpose in Christ (Equip), and by expressing our faith in love and action (Serve).
Read MoreConnect: Growing in Relationship with God and One Another
The freedom found int the gospel sets us on a course of Radical Purpose. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus says “to go into all the world and make disciples”. The Great commission is a command for the entire body of Christ. More specifically, Oasis is called to make disciples through our audacious acceptance (Welcome), through our passionate pursuit of God (Worship), by growing in relationship with God and one another (Connect), by discovering our gifts, talents, and purpose in Christ (Equip), and by expressing our faith in love and action (Serve).
Read MoreWorship: Passionate Pursuit of God
The freedom found int the gospel sets us on a course of Radical Purpose. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus says “to go into all the world and make disciples”. The Great commission is a command for the entire body of Christ. More specifically, Oasis is called to make disciples through our audacious acceptance (Welcome), through our passionate pursuit of God (Worship), by growing in relationship with God and one another (Connect), by discovering our gifts, talents, and purpose in Christ (Equip), and by expressing our faith in love and action (Serve).
Read MoreRadical Purpose: Fasting
The freedom from found in the gospel sets us on a course of Radical Purpose. Through our welcome, worship, connecting, equipping, and serving we grow closer to God and one another.
Read MoreFree From the Rules
The law says I do something for God. Grace says God has done something for me. The rules are a guide. They can help diagnose sin and its damage, but it cannot remedy it. Jesus on the cross is the remedy. We are free from the rules because inevitably we will break them, but grace provides forgiveness.
Read MoreFree From Idols
In a world that offers so much "freedom" we find we only become tied to a lie. Through the idols of life we crawl back to slavery. Jesus offers a true freedom, a freedom from idols.
Read MoreFree to Believe in God
Did we receive faith by morals and the law or is it faith?
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